Why Support Rise?
When you make a donation to Rise, you help a child with developmental disabilities get the start they need to build a successful, independent life! We believe every dollar invested in the education of a youngster with special needs today is returned to us with interest tomorrow as adults who are better able to participate in society, care for themselves, and require fewer social and public services. $24,000 – that’s the true cost to educate a child in Rise Houston’s intensive, highly effective program each year. A small price when the long-term payoff is so great. Yet the price is still out of reach for most families. To keep Rise affordable for families, tuition is set at a portion of the real per-student cost, about $1600 a month or $19,000 a year in 2012-13. Two-thirds of our families apply for and receive scholarships of 20%-70% off full tuition based on their needs, but every enrolled family pays something. The bottom line? Every year Rise must raise over $1 million in private support to fill the gap between tuition and the full cost of running the school. Rise accepts cash and in kind gifts from individuals, private foundations and corporations, and receives no government support. |
Make A Gift for Operations- Make an unrestricted gift or one in honor or memory of a special person right now to help fund general operations. General Donations Endowment Fund- Make a gift toward to long-term sustainablitiy of The Rise School of Houston. Endowment Fund Fund for Faculty- Make a gift to expand the learning opportunities to Rise teachers. Brenda and John H. Duncan Fund for Faculty Special Program Needs- To learn about and sponsor a Rise program or core need here, check out our “Menu of Program Needs” and pick a project that resonates with you personally . Opportunities start at just $20 to fund one day of snacks (aka “skills of independence”), and go far higher to fund teaching positions or scholarships, with every giving level and program need in between. Support Rise Programs Rise’s Fundraising Events Have a great time while you join Rise at one of our five annual events.
Transfer Stock- Transfer stock from your name to The Rise School of Houston. For more information click Transfer Stock. |